Welcome to the Monthly Cost Estimator.

Here you can make choices of monthly services and get a real good idea of what your monthly fees will be after your site has been constructed.  There are many options to think about.

We encourage you to read all the information about each option. Once you have carefully read about the option you may choose a selection.  Some of the options allow you to choose a quantity as well.  Keep in mind that if you are selecting more than one domain/website, you should also select multiples on several of the other options.  Please choose carefully.

This is not a binding form!  This form is provided so you can easily get an idea of what your monthly fees could be. Feel free to use this form as many times as you like, to fine tune your needs.

ABOUT THIS ESTIMATOR: There are many monthly fees required to keep a website running.  Take the time to carefully read about each item before making your selections.  If you have questions EMAIL US

Some fees are required.  For example, Domain Renewal, Domain Hosting, & SSL certificates are items that have a fixed cost.  Other items have optional choices like spam protection, form creation, and the number of emails required.  "Site Hosting", & "Monthly Maintenance" are a continuing commitment.

Do not start a new site unless you are willing to commit to these monthly fees.

When you are finished with the form you can send yourself a copy of the results.

Domains & Domain Hosting
This monthly fee is for the Renewal of your domain and the space on the server where your Domain will reside. This is not website hosting fees. Please choose how many domains you will have.
Site Hosting
Site Hosting refers to the space on our server where your website files, images, pages, & videos are stored. This is where all of the data files, product images and more will be located. In most cases a 1 Gig file slot would be adequate. However, If your site will have a higher volume of Video and Large files you may wish to select the 2-3 gig file size to have enough space.
Secure Socket Layer
A security certificate is required by Google to be listed on the web. Most other search engines also look for this HTTPS: in your domain. Without HTTPS:// in your domain URL they will mark your site as potentially harmful.
Entire Site Maulware & Virus Protection
Email Accounts
Choose the number of email accounts you need. We will create one "Admin" account for COS use. So you will need a minimum of 2 emails. In many cases you may want a personal email for yourself and another email for the contact forms such as Info@YourDomain.com
Online Contact Form?
Online Contact forms can be used for many things. Online Contact forms can be used to allow potential clients, customers or guests to ask simple questions without providing a direct email for spammers. Contact forms can also be used for many other items such as adding products to your online store or other uses. We offer several types on online forms.
Contact Form Protection

If you have forms, you should have form protection installed to help reduce the spamming of your forms. You can have no protection, Recaptcha protection or Human protection or BOTH..

Please choose one or both options below.

Master Events Calendar
This calendar can be made private or public. Add items from your phone or from a desktop. Great for Appointments, Employee assignments, Meetings and more. This calendar will sync with your phone so you will always have the calendar information with you or any of your staff!
Booking Calendar
A Booking calendar can be used to rent a single item like a villa or cabin. A booking calendar can also be used for appointments or any kind of scheduling of time slots during the day.
Online Sales
Will you be making sales online? If you intend to sell products online you will need to have updates and maintenance conducted monthly to keep the online processor up to date with regulations and running correctly.
Search Engine Placement
Choose the level of search engine inclusion you wish to have. Keep in mind it takes 2-3 months for a new site to begin to show up on organic listings.
Site maintenance and Updates.
Google Maps
If you wish to have a Google Map to your location so clients or customers can find your location. This is the monthly service fee for the API settings only. This is not for the original setup of the maps in the site. Map setup will be listed under the Site Construction Fees.
Quotation Details
Regular Unit Price
Unit Price
Email Addressoptional
You may send yourself an email copy of your estimated fees. Just enter your email here and hit "Send"
What is your preferred Domain?required
If you do not have a domain then please provide us with a little information about the website you wish to have created, your business name and a few suggestions. We will look for some suitable domains and make suggestions for you.