Secure Shopping and a Secure site.
In today's world, your site needs to be secure. Having an online SSL gives you a URL that starts off with HTTPS: This tells Google and other web browsers that your site is being served from a secure server. If you have an online store you MUST have a secure server. We can install an SSL certificate for your site and for your online store. This ensures your site is secure and that web browsers can trust it. When we install your SSL we install the certificate over the entire site and not just your online store. This will show all web browsers that your site is completely secure. Many sites are not fully secure and this leaves room for hackers to get in. Many browsers, including Google, require your site to be secure or they will not index your site. Web bots and spiders are crawling the web all the time. These are small programs designed to look at your site and gather information from your site. These "bot's" gather Images, Key Words, Page Titles and Content to provide feedback to the many different search engines. This means that when you have a fully secure site the gathered information about your site is seen in a very positive light.